March 27, 2019


“Muscle toning” as a workout routine has been a subject of a lot of arguments questioning the authenticity of workout routines actually leading to muscle toning. The idea of specific exercise schedules being a primary source of muscle toning have been debunked. As none of such exercises or activities directly targets the fats that cover the muscles we are trying to tone.

So How Do We Eventually Get To Tone Our Muscles?

First, you will have to understand what it means to tone the muscle. Toning refers to adjusting the body to adapt to low levels of body fat, with a pronounced input on the shape and definition of the muscles, without the muscle size getting significantly bulky.

Hence, there are two things involved in muscle toning:

    • Fat reduction
    • Muscle building

You will need to burn some fat, and as well build your muscles. Therefore, you will need to have a diet plan that works with your goals.

In essence, an effective “muscle toning” workout routine involves a diet plan and muscle building exercise schedules.

Choosing A Diet Plan

If you are overweight, you will need to burn some fat; if your weight is optimal, you will need to build your muscle. Thus it becomes paramount that you take note of your protein intake, calorie intake, and fat intake.

For an overweight person, you need less calorie to lose 0.5-2lbs weekly, depending on whether you need to lose a lot of weight or less. This will mean cutting down on your average calorie intake by 20%.

For muscle building, you will need more calorie to gain about 2lbs per month. For that, you will need a surplus of about 250 calories as a man and about 130 calories as a woman.

Regarding protein intake, you will need 1 gram of protein for every pound of your body weight. This applies to both individuals working to lose fat and those gaining some muscles.

So, if you weigh 165lbs, you will need an equivalent of 165 grams of daily protein intake. While your fat intake should make up for about 25% of your daily calorie intake in your diet plan. This simply means that 25% of your calorie intake should be coming from healthy fats, sourced from fish, nuts, seeds, olive oil, etc.

Your carb intake should be dependent on the portion of your calories that have been provided by your protein and fat intake. Simply put, carbs should cover the number of calories you will need to reach your daily calorie intake after you have added protein and fats to the equation.

Working Out

You don’t need to beat yourself up to tone your muscles. Here, we will highlight a simple toning workout plan that you should see you through every week for 3-4 weeks. These workouts won’t just build your muscles, they also improve your metabolism, make you lose weight and calories faster, and make you leaner.

Mondays: Muscle Building Using Weights

    • 25 reps – Dumbbell row (squat position)
    • 25 reps – lunge with bicep curls
    • 25 reps – dumbbells (plie squats)
    • 25 reps – bicycle with reverse curls
    • 25 reps – dumbbell tricep extension in a lunge

You should note that; if you are a beginner, it will be best to start with light weights between 3-7.5lbs for your muscle building exercises

Tuesdays: Muscle Building Using “Body Weight.”

    • 15 reps of lateral step ups on each side
    • 25 reps of push-ups
    • 25 reps of tricep dips on a step
    • 30 reps of skater jumps

This process helps for an even full-body toning

Wednesdays: Pump Your Heart Rate with Cardio

For this, you will need to map out 45 minutes to go to a gym, or you can still do it at home.

    • First five minutes: warm up at 3.5 mph
    • 5th-7th minute: speedwalk at 4.0 mph
    • 7th-22nd minute: run or jog at 5.2-6.0 mph
    • 9th-39th minute: repeat step 2, followed by step 3
    • 39th-45th minute: calm yourself, by slowing down to 3.5 mph

Thursdays: Do The Yoga

This will help enhance your flexibility and strength and targets areas that got tight during your cardio and muscle building routines from previous days before. You can do this at your local gym, or you look out for Vinyasa and Ashtanga styles in Yoga Studio App and do it at home.

Fridays Are For Pilates

Really, there are not a lot of easy ways to get a fantastic body without Pilates. Just like yoga, 30-45 minutes of Pilates a week should go a long way in helping you have defined abs. As well, it places all your muscles on the focus.

Saturdays Are For Active Rests

By Saturday, you might be feeling all-broken and sore. It is time for you to start resting and allow your body to recover enough for the following week. Don’t sink into that couch yet, take a while to take some light stroll to stretch and loosen your muscles.

Then take all the rest you need on Sundays – do things that make you feel relieved and relaxed.

Follow these procedures with a diet plan for 3-4 consecutive weeks, and you will be sure to notice amazing results!

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